Selasa, 11 Agustus 2020

Hari Ulang Tahun/Hari Lahir = Hari Merenung dan Bersyukur (oleh: miss lesileop)

Namaku Lesi Leo Puspitasari dan aku suka menyingkatnya dengan “lesileop”. Aku seorang ibu dari 2 putri dan berprofesi sebagai pengajar di SMAN 1 Cisarua Kab. Bogor (SMANCIS) sekitar menjelang 10 tahun. Di sekolah, aku sering dipanggil “mrs. Lesi” artinya “Bu Lesi” namun banyak siswa yang keliru memanggil namaku dengan kata “mister” yang artinya "Bapak" 😌 karena mereka pikir tulisan “mrs” itu sama dibacanya seperti kata “mr=mister” padahal seharusnya dibaca “misez/missus” yang artinya “Ibu/sebagai sapaan hormat untuk untuk menyapa guru, dosen atau orang-orang tertentu (menurut kebudayaan Inggris)”. Namun jika tidak berhubungan dengan hal tersebut “mrs.” Sendiri artinya adalah “nyonya” untuk perempuan yang sudah menikah dan di ikuti nama belakang suami/ keluarganya. Misal bu Wati punya suami bernama pa Anwar Gunawan maka bu Wati dipanggilnya dengan Mrs. Gunawan artinya Nyonya Gunawan. Nah supaya memudahkan dan tidak salah pengucapan, panggil saja aku “MISS LESI” atau “MISS L” baca MISEL ya.

Hari ini aku beranikan diri untuk mewujudkan tulisan Blog pertamaku yang sudah sekian lama aku rencanakan namun tak kunjung juga aku posting sesuatu di sini. Jadi Blog ini yang aku namai “TML=The MAOCHILL lesileop” sudah lama aku buat namun masih kosong sejak bertahun-tahun. Sekarang aku mau mulai isi dengan cerita-cerita yang mudah-mudahan berguna karena salah satu hobiku memang bercerita. Tulisan-tulisan di Blog ini akan menjadi album bahan evaluasi, refleksi yang semoga bisa bermanfaat dan menginspirasi para pembaca. Baiklah kita mulai yaaa. 😊

Apa yang terbersit di benak anda saat mendengar kata ULANG TAHUN?

Yaa, untukku ini adalah sebuah momen istimewa yang untuk semua orang yang mengalami biasanya mengharapkan mendapat kejutan, ucapan dan hal-hal menyenangkan untuk diwujudkan. Walau sebetulnya ritual tersebut tidak memberikan banyak esensi berarti dan kita juga tidak faham untuk apa manfaatnya.

Ya, inilah yang dalam 36 tahun sudah menjadi pola pikirku. Ulang Tahun harus menjadi hal yang istimewa, harus menyenangkan bahkan kadang harus dibarengi dengan kegiatan berbagi atau yang sering dikenal dengan kata TRAKTIR (Berbagi makanan, minuman pada keluarga/teman-teman terdekat). Media Televisi, Media Sosial dan lingkungan sekitar kita pun menganggap hal ini adalah hal yang perlu dilakukan tanpa berfikir “Apa sih sebenarnya makna pertambahan usia itu dan apa yang sebaiknya dilakukan saat hari tersebut datang?"

Aku, hari Sabtu kemarin, 8 Agustus 2020 (882020) di angka cantik dan keramat menurutku ( Aku selalu menyebutnya begitu karena tanggal aku dilahirkan mudah diingat untuk ukuran aku yang “si pelupa dan sulit mengingat rentetan angka” = S8883-Senin, 8 agustus 1983 adalah hari dan tanggal aku dilahirkan) aku genap berulang tahun yang ke-37 (Usia yang cukup matang alias tua, hehe 👵). Seperti biasa aku mengharapkan banyak kejutan, misal: Suami yang menjadi orang pertama di jam 00 yang mengucapakan, 2 buah hatiku yang membangunkanku dan memberi pelukan kejutan selamat, murid-muridku yang bergerombol mengucapakan dan memberi kejutan untukku, keluarga-sahabat dan orang-orang terdekat yang mengalir mengirim banyak doa dan hal-hal menyenangkan yang seringnya tidak aku dapatkan sesuai harapan

Misal seperti dari suamiku, selama menikah hampir 10 tahun ini, tidak pernah membuatku merasa spesial di hari kelahiranku. Dia pelupa dengan angka dan menganggap hari lahir tidak perlu diistimewakan (atau ga tau mungkin dia tipe yang cuek ya? Atau akunya yang Lebay atau aku memang tidak istimewa ya? Haha entahlah dan biarkanlah, hehe💣). Jangankan hadiah atau kue ulang tahun, ingat saja dia langka dan sering terlambat mengucapakan dan pasti tidak menjadi orang pertama yang mengucapkan. Yang biasanya setia, rajin, selalu tepat waktu untuk ingat hari ulang tahunku selama bertahun-tahun itu adalah FACEBOOK, hehe (Dunia hayal yang sudah lama aku tinggalkan bersama INSTAGRAM karena sering membuatku terlena dan lupa waktu karena asik bercengkrama dengan kawan-kawan yang jumlahnya hampir ribuan namun hanya sedikit jumlah yang aku kenali benar-benar, yang sering mendorongku untuk pamer dan menginformasikan banyak hal yang sebetulnya untuk apa manfaatnya bagi mereka yang tidak mengenalku😒-Ini hanya pendapatku). Itu makanya, aku seringnya kecewa atas impian yang aku bangun sendiri, menjadi kesal dan sedih sendiri pada keadaan. Namun semua tampak berbeda di hari Sabtu lalu.

Sabtu lalu, aku tidak lagi merasa kecewa dan marah saat dunia tidak lagi ramah padaku (seperti biasa) di hari istimewaku. Aku tidak lagi mengomel pada suamiku yang telat mengucapkan (saat itu dia mengucapkan selamat pada jam 7:46 padahal aku sering menjadi yang pertama, menyiapkan kue dan kado untuknya saat dia ulang tahun, 😏hixhixhix), dan pada yang lainnya seperti biasa. Karena momen kemarin adalah saat di mana pikirankku seperti terbuka dengan ucapan dari Adik pertamaku, Namanya Dessy Kurnia Pujiasari dan karena dia sekarang sudah dikaruniai 1 anak laki-laki bernama Mansa maka dia kusebut dengan Ibunya Mansa. Di jam 5:47, aku mendapat pesan Watssapp yang berisi: “YEEEEEE TETEH SELAMAT MERENUNG DAN BERSYUKUR LAGIIII”. Kalimat itu seperti menyadarkanku bahwa yaaa, hari lahir harusnya menjadi momen seperti itu, momen bersyukur, flashback, merenung, membuat perencanaan untuk kedepannya walau sebetulnya hal ini tidak perlu dilakukan hanya pada hari ulang tahun saja, merenung dan bersyukur perlu dilakukan setiap saat sebagai bahan perbaikan diri untuk lebih meningkatkan ibadah pada Allah swt. Aku bahkan langsung mencari di internet, tentang tulisan dan artikel tentang “makna ulang tahun menurut Islam; Bagaimana sebaiknya bersikap dan Ucapan apa yang sebaiknya diucapkan pada yang berulang tahun menurut Islam) dan ternyata

Hasilnya, Tidak Ada Ulang Tahun dalam Islam” dan selama ini aku ingkari keberadaanya, Aku terlalu terpola dengan apa yang kulihat dan kudengar dari sekiatr dan media. kalaupun mau memberi doa, berilah doa agar yang berulang tahun diberikan usia yang bermanfaat, kebarokahan hidup untuk bisa lebih beribadah kepada Allah swt. Bukan “Semoga Panjang Umur” karena apalah artinya umur panjang kalau kita tidak isi dengan banyak amal beribadah pada Allah, misal banyak maksiat, tidak memanfaatkan usia dan hanya diberi sakit dan kita menjalaninya dengan tidak sabar. Yaa, untuk pertama kalinya di saat ulang tahun, aku mencari info-info tersebut. Maka saat itu aku langsung membuat Status WA berisi = “Hari Bersyukur dan Merenung, Terimakasih Ibunya Mansa” (Sebagai bahan pengingat untuk diri sendiri).

Kini, aku pikir, aku tak perlu lagi membuat orang lain merasa tidak enak saat mereka tidak mengingat dan mengucapkan selamat dan doa untuk ulang tahunku (karena kalo dipikir-pikir kenapa harus marah toh aku juga tidak mengingat hari lahir mereka, egois sekali aku saat orang lain harus memperlakukanku istimewa sementara aku tidak sebaliknya), Tidak juga perlu merasa sedih dan kecewa saat yang ku inginkan tidak sesuai harapan, karena di usiaku yang semakin senja ini, aku merasakan pola pikirku berubah dan yang paling penting dan selalu menguatkanku adalah: SEMUA YANG TERJADI PADA DUNIA INI ADALAH ATAS IZIN ALLAH. Seperti Allah mengizinkanku mendapat pencerahan dalam menghadapi hari ulang tahunku untuk tahun ini seperti ini. Aku yakin perubahan pola pikir ini pasti atas Izin Allah juga. Tak perlu lagi marah pada skenario Allah, saat skenarionya tidak menyenangkan. Masa marah dan “mengecilkan” “Sutradara” terbaik pencipta Alam Semesta ini? Pasti Allah selalu memiliki maksud dibalik semua yang kita alami dan tugas kita adalah untuk menjalani, merenung dan mencari hikmahnya. Dan yang paling penting Aku masih baik-baik saja, masih diberikan kesehatan dan segala nikmat hidup ini, masih merasa bahagia. Kurang apa lagi coba? Masa tidak bersyukur dengan semuanya? Kini, aku siap mengisi kesempatan hidup yang diberi Allah ini dengan hal yang lebih baik lagi. Mari kita lakukan hal baik dan perbaiki lagi diri kita sekarang juga, tidak perlu ditunda-tunda lagi dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas diri untuk beribadah pada Allah SWT. Insyaallah dan Bismilahirahmanirrohim, semoga Allah selalu bersama kita dan menuntun kita untuk menjadi lebih baik lagi, aamiin.💚

Nah, bagaimana menurutmu? apakah makna Ulang Tahun untukmu?

Salam dari Tulisan Pertamaku,

💦miss lesileop

(Gambar kue ulang tahun diambil dari koleksi:


497 komentar:

  1. By: Muhammad Rizky Ramadhan - 2S2
    Menurut saya ulang tahun adalah momen dimana usia atau umur kita berkurang, dan ketika momen ulang tahun terjadi disitu kita harus bersyukur karena Allah SWT telah memberi kita umur yang cukup untuk sampai pada masa ini. Karena momen ulang tahun bukan momen yang patut dirayakan dengan cara party tiup lilin dan sebagainya, tetapi momen ulang tahun adalah momen yang mengharuskan kita bersyukur kepada Sang Maha Pencipta.

    1. By:Nadia Maelani,3S4
      I think a birthday is a special day to celebrate because it only comes around once a year and looks for it we should be grateful and pray for the age to celebrate.

    2. In my opinion, birthday is something special for someone who never wants to forget when he was born into the world and birthdays have also become a tradition for indonesians and foreigners. However, each individual celebrates in a different way. Besides that we get a special gift from the someone we love :)

    3. By: Desi Fitri Yani-3S1
      In my opinion, birthday is something special for someone who never wants to forget when he was born into the world and birthdays have also become a tradition for indonesians and foreigners. However, each individual celebrates in a different way. Besides that we get a special gift from the someone we love :)

    4. By: Nur Yulistriani 3A1
      Birthdays to me are so precious, and everyone is. because that moment only comes once. On birthdays there are lots of fun moments, we can get a present from someone. But some are not, not everyone gets it.

  2. By: SopiaAzzahra-3S1
    Happy teacher's birthday, I think birthday is a very special day in someone's life because it commemorates the day when we were born into the world by a mother who tried so hard to give birth, and birthday is a day where our age decreases and makes us more to be better

  3. By: M.Dandy T.S.A
    In my opinion, birthdays are special days for me. Because in addition to increasing age, we also have fun, plus we pray to be better.

  4. Daniel - 3A3
    Well, I think your story is quite interesting and I think it is a normal situation when people forget our birthday, but than the most important thing is we can't forget Allah who gave us happiness and blessing in life. We must be always grateful in any condition.
    By the way, my birthday also on this month, at the end of the month actually. It's so meaningful to me because this year I'm going to turn 17 and I realize the more we get older the more responsibility we have. So I hope in this year I can be a better person that can be useful for everyone especially can make my family proud.

  5. Muhammad Gilang Ramadhan-12s3
    In my opinion, birthday moments are very valuable for me to be happy with family, friends and other relatives who like on birthdays, that is to be able to share happiness together, but there are also sides that I don't like the more I grow up the more I have to change my attitude to be more well

  6. By : Raden Fadillah Fajar Nugraha 12S3
    I think that birthday is very valuable to me because it is celebrated once a year, I can be happy with family, friends, and other relatives, and get a gift from my parents and make us more mature and age in prayer and so on.

    I think a birthday is a special day that I feel I should be more grateful to have been given the time to live up to today. And my comment on Mrs. Lesi's blog is that I love to read it, because I do have a love of reading, and I prefer reading stories about other people's experiences, because what I read adds experience and knowledge to me.

  8. Reza Muhamad Gazael-3S3
    I am grateful when I have my birthday because God allowed me to continue living. Birthdays are a means to change attitudes and traits. And in my birthday there are always dreams that I have to be able to achieve.

  9. By:Raihan Akbar ashshiddiqi 3s3 birt day is just to remember the longer life decreases the age because life in this world is only temporary

  10. By: RivalDi Saputra 12S3
    I think that birthday is increasing age must be balanced with a change in character to become more mature. You are not always childish when you are no longer a child. So being an adult is a choice, and learn to do it. If in the past you were still careless, now start to care. If in the past you were ignorant of the future, it's time to think about what your goal in life is. Don't let you miss many things because you are too indifferent to your surroundings.

    Be grateful for the long life, do your best for the future

  12. By:sifa fauziah Apriliani - 2S3
    Makna ulang tahun bagi saya adalah waktu untuk introspeksi diri, merenungi dan mengurangi kesalahan, tetapi itu juga yang Kebanyakan orang tunggu tunggu dengan di ucapkan doa doa yang baik dari orang terdekat.

  13. By:Muhammad wijaya-3S2
    Birthday is one of those moments that warns of the day of our birth and happens only once a year

  14. I think birthday is a day when we are happy, because the older we get, the more we mature.

  15. PUTRI TRIANDANI 12 IPS 3 -In my opinion, birthdays are a fun day and as we get older we should give thanks to Allah SWT because we have been given ages until now.

  16. By: sifa fauziah Apriliani - 2S3
    The meaning of a birthday for me is a time for self-introspection, contemplation and reducing mistakes, but that is also what most people are waiting for are saying good prayers from the closest people.

  17. By: M. Syahdilan j - 2S2
    I think a birthday is a moment where our age decreases, instead of increasing. And the older the better, and it is better if we are grateful to ALLAH SWT for giving us life until this moment. and i am very grateful when i have birthday.

  18. Arini Widiya Chahyani -3A2

    The meaning of a birthday to me is one that definitely adds age as time goes by and I am grateful to have been given age until now by Allah SWT.

  19. Nur Nayla Sari 3S4
    The meaning of a birthday in my opinion is the day when we are born and start the life of the world and that day we often celebrate with the closest and happy people.

  20. By: sifa fauziah Apriliani - 3S3
    The meaning of a birthday for me is a time for self-introspection, contemplation and reducing mistakes, but that is also what most people are waiting for are saying good prayers from the closest people.

  21. By: Fiqri Hadi Pratama-2S3
    Menurut saya ulang tahun adalah hari dimana seseorang ditambah umurnya dan beranjak dewasa yang menjadi pembelajaran hidup dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya agar menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya dan berani bertanggung jawab, dan momen ulang tahun adalah anugerah dari Allah SWT yang senantiasa memberikan umur dan menjadikan kita bersyukur lagi atas pemberiannya

  22. Muhamad Noval Ramadan 3S4

    in my opinion, this birthday moment is the most enjoyable moment where I am getting older and can get together with my family to have a small party with the aim of being grateful for our aging

  23. Gea Amanda Berlianti - 3A4
    I think that birthday is a special day, but as I get older I think the responsibility for life is getting bigger, because it's a birthday to remake my life.

  24. By: Mukti Hanggana P.G -3A4
    I think a birthday is a very beautiful day when it is celebrated together with the people we really care about but it is also a thing to remind us to always be grateful for what we get with the results of our own efforts

    I think a birthday is a very pleasant moment in life, but behind the fun we must realize that when our birthday is decreasing, not increasing. so when it is a birthday, you should pray a lot, don't be too fixated with the world which always holds parties.

  26. Putri maharani f -12S2
    In my opinion, from the story above, it can be concluded that a special mother's day is when her birthday arrives. where feelings of joy, sorrow, sadness mixed in that day. today is a day that mother will never forget forever.
    Birthday, in my opinion, is the day I am most waiting for, where surprises come suddenly, the day when all the happy stories come back to my life, where I can share the joy with others. But, since a few years ago, the birthday this time is incomplete, where one of my relatives has died a long time ago, but don't be sad that day, we pray for him with good prayers. pokonya day was a very satisfying day for me.

  27. By:Riza Caesar Praditya 12A4
    I think birthday is a day when we are happy, because the older we get, the more we mature.

  28. By: Devi Rahmawati 3A4
    I think birthday is a special day for me. because everyone is happy with where I am at that time. but even on birthdays I think that life is so short that I don't want to celebrate my own birthday.

  29. Alya Agusti Putri -3A2
    in my opinion, the meaning of a birthday for me where age continues to increase and also changes attitudes for the better besides that the meaning of a birthday for me is that as I get older then along with that my life span decreases and also as a moment where I must feel grateful for my life.

  30. By: Riza Caesar Praditya 3A4
    I think birthday is a day when we are happy, because the older we get, the more we mature.

  31. Putri Andini 3S4
    In my opinion, a birthday is a day that can be called history, because on which day we are born into this world, on our birthdays we do not have to be celebrated with special things because our birth into this world is more than life, birthdays. is not a reference to age anymore but, a reference to what we have done so far both for ourselves and for others, and on birthdays we can understand the meaning of our maturity point how we can react to it.

  32. By: Miska Nazah S -3S3
    my opinion about birthdays, is a very happy day, because on the birthday I get older, become a more mature person. But about surprises or sayings it doesn't really matter, because the important thing is to always be grateful for what Allah has given, if someone gives greetings or gifts it is a bonus.

  33. a little responding to the mother's story that I just read :), indeed as time goes by, my mind changes more and more, like things, for example, lessi wants a birthday greeting from her husband and child "with special", actually the word "birthday doesn't exist. in Islamic principles, miss, so in my opinion the word birthday is just the word "which is not suitable for Muslims, if I still have an age until the turn of my age takes one more step, I will not expect safety from my closest friends or relatives. or give a treat or whatever, so I'd better ask for the best prayer for my life in the future because that's the most important.

    In my opinion, birthdays are the days when age increases in our count and His count decreases. For some people, birthdays are considered very special and should be celebrated with celebration, but it doesn't have to be that way. Birthdays should be used as a moment of gratitude and materials to make us better in the future.

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  36. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  37. By:Reza bambang -2s2
    I think birthday is the day where we start a better life than the previous year

  38. Ledia Rizkika Ardila-2S2
    I think it's the day we grow older and grow older, where we should always be grateful for previous and future lives

  39. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  40. By: Nurul Narulita 2S4
    I think, birthday is a special day for people, but not for other people in the same environment as the birthday person.

  41. By: M.Dandy T.S.A - 3A4
    In my opinion,birthdays are special days for me. Because in addition to increasing age,we also have fun,we pray to be better

    According to me today birthday was days in wait wait by every many people, but many people who beranggapan that age that every year growing, different with me, I have argued that every year we experience the reduction of age, and we should be grateful to Allah because it gives life until today

  43. By:khaidar aljufri 3S3
    a little responding to the mother's story that I just read :), indeed as time goes by, my mind changes more and more, like things, for example, lessi wants a birthday greeting from her husband and child "with special", actually the word "birthday doesn't exist. in Islamic principles, miss, so in my opinion the word birthday is just the word "which is not suitable for Muslims, if I still have an age until the turn of my age takes one more step, I will not expect safety from my closest friends or relatives. or give a treat or whatever, so I'd better ask for the best prayer for my life in the future because that's the most important.

  44. By: Destatama Setianugra-3A1
    Well, for me a birthday is an event where family or friends come and wish them a happy birthday and give gifts, sometimes it feels childish but it doesn't take offense to the person who does it. Because after all, the older we get the more we feel we don't need to celebrate (i don't know about you). For me the meaning of birthday itself is not only about getting older in numbers but also about thoughts. How mature we are. Birthdays also remind us of how grateful we are for the life that God has given us over the years and it is something beautiful

  45. By:fadilla fahma 3s1
    In my opinion, the meaning of a birthday is a day when we are getting older, not only from the increasing age but also the attitude that must be changed to be more mature and wise. Where we and those closest to us celebrate the anniversary and wish us goodness.

  46. By:fadilla fahma 3s1
    In my opinion, the meaning of a birthday is a day when we are getting older, not only from the increasing age but also the attitude that must be changed to be more mature and wise. Where we and those closest to us celebrate the anniversary and wish us goodness.

  47. Annisa Adharia 3S4
    I think it was a very special day because it was the day I was born into the world, and reminded me of what it means to be grateful that god has given me life to this day. It is also not always about celebrating or being celebrated but how we can be grown up and grateful for what god has given us.

  48. By: Yuni Suyanti-3S2

    So, I think your birthday story is quite interesting to read. Naturally, if our closest friends do not wake up our birthdays, because the most important thing is always remembering who created us. By the way, my birthday was two months ago, lots of "happy birthday" wishes but as I get older, the more responsibilities I have. Hopefully at my age, the future will be better. ''

  49. Reza Fahlevi 12 Soc 1
    My opinion, birthdays are a Great day and as we get older we should give thanks to Allah SWT because we have been given ages until now

  50. Happy birthday mrs.lessi, I feel happy to be able to read the first blog that you created. By the way, we were born in the same month hehe and we are in the same zodiac, namely Leo. The meaning of a birthday to me is grace and gratitude because God still gave me time to pay for the mistakes I made and try to be a better human being.

    Nizziana Qayla (20)
    12 IPS 1

  51. By: Muhammad Ilham-3A4
    I think, birthdays is an event to see gotten as we life, with additional age we should be thankful for the age given to us

  52. siti sutira-3s3
    I think the birthday moment is the happiest thing because the day I get older and the day I can be happy because it is with family, friends, because it's a birthday once a year and where I can be happy, I must be grateful to be given the opportunity to live by Allah SWT

  53. Sutrisno -3S4
    Happy birthday Mrs. Lesi, may Allah give you sustenance, may Allah give the best strength to Mrs. Lesi Aamiin. In my opinion, a birthday is a place where we commemorate the day we were born when we are still in the womb so that we can see the world, a gift that God has given to his people to be grateful. The meaning for me is a birthday is a gift that Allah created to remember gratitude and keep it thick.

  54. By:desi barokah-3s3
    in my opinion, remembering the birthday that everyone is eagerly awaiting is usually celebrated by having a birthday party with their family or friends and most people who are often given gifts to those who celebrate birthdays

  55. By : Ichsan Syahid M-3A2
    I think birthday is one of a very beautiful moment in our life. In that that we feel many feelings like a sad because we have been old and we feels happy too because until now we still alive and we can together with our family and our best friends like now.
    My opinion about what you write on top, i think your story is so interesting. And It is true if someone we think he/she is special for us forget about our birthday it is so hurt wkwk. Because if he/she remember our birthday day and to be first say happy birthday to us it is make we so happy and make our mood so good for that day. So, i think birthday greetings from someone we think he/she is special is so important. By the way the story is very nice.

  56. Dzikri-3A5
    In my opinion, the meaning of my birthday, namely increasing age is a sign that I am still being given age by the almighty, with all the blessings I have received so far. I take the time to be grateful for what I have, not everyone is as lucky as me AND in my opinion, everyone has different hobbies, and I think the story that Mis. wrote is very interesting and funny. And make me even more grateful for what God gave me :)

  57. by; Dewi Susanti F 3A5

    In my opinion, birthdays are a joyful event as well as sad, on the one hand getting older is fun because you can grow up and understand better what life means, while on the other hand, getting older is sad because our age is subconsciously reduced by time. and in my opinion the meaning of birthday is an event where I should be grateful and pray that the life I have lived so far is not in vain

  58. By: SITI my opinion a birthday is a day full of blessings, because at that time a lot of friends pray for good things and become motivation for me to be better and more mature in responding to various things. For me, no need a rousing birthday, just enough make unforgettable moments every year, and that's what I always do. After reading my mrs. blog there was a slight change in my mindset, which was always full of hope that the closest people were saying it for the first time but now I understand more that they must have their own busyness so i also have to understand them. for my upcoming birthday must get closer to Allah, not keep hoping for something that can end up being disappointed.thank you so much mrs:).

  59. By : Delia Rismala Putri - 3A1

    Your story is something that most of us can relate because sometimes we want people around us remember our birthday just to make us feel special and when they don't remember we think that they don't care about us. But, truth is 'care' isn't about how they always remember our birthday. People have different ways to show how they care about others. Birthday is something that remind us how we get older and how we should be more mature, we don't need to always celebrate our birthday, if we do celebrating it, make it as a moment that we grateful for what we have, make it as a moment we pray with our family and friends and birthday is a moment when we think about how we should be better in the future and and make previous years as a life lesson

    For me, birthday not too much special, not must to celebration or anything, maybe just give a prayer wish god always blessing. It means we have to upgread ourself for be better.

  61. By:DikiIskn S_3
    Birthday ? yes, a birthday is the day or moment that many people have been waiting for. But in my opinion there is no need, why should we wait for that moment and hope that what is uncertain about that day is whether or not we are waiting for that day. But the birthday is indeed a fun day where friends are relatives and most importantly parents, all give congratulations, what is that and the most important thing is prayer, uh, gift prayer means hehehe.
    the essence on that birthday is that we improve or correct it for the future to become a better person.

  62. By: Fathan A.M. - 3A1
    That is a very inspiring story. Yeah i think birthday is a means of introspection and be grateful to Allah, and also birthday is remind me how fast life is, sometimes reminds me of death, so the question arises such as "whether I will still be alive until the next birthday?".

  63. By:Siti Salmah Hardiyanti-2S2
    In my opinion, a birthday is a moment of gratitude to Allah SWT who has given us a long life and a moment for introspection so that we can be better than before.

  64. Dhea Rizky A - 3A2

    I think that birthday is one day a year to remind us of how long we have lived in the world. other than that as a form of gratitude and pleasure. so, we make birthdays as moments of self-reminders, and will lead to a better life

  65. by: Rani Yuniarti Dewi 3A3

    In my opinion, the meaning of birthday is repeating the year on the same day and month as our age.
    the story of mrs. In my opinion, the thing above was very touching, because it was Sweet 17's birthday, I didn't feel as happy as the people out there celebrating Sweet 17's birthday in a luxurious way. On that day, I was very grateful because I was still given the opportunity to breathe, still grateful because there were still family, relatives, and lovers who were faithful to accompany me from the last day of 16 years of age to the first day of my 17 years of age. year, which was given a surprise at 00.00. I am grateful and very happy, but like a madam. On my birthday, I thought because when I was growing up, one by one my close friends left, but on the other hand I am still grateful that there are still many out there who still want to accompany me.

  66. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  67. By : Alsa Aulia - 3S2
    Birthdays are a gift as a sign that we who have grown have been ordained by God through a mother's womb, Birthdays also remember us about life and even death because any time we turn on our birthdays, our age will also decrease, This gives us that we must always be grateful for Allah's blessings to find a more useful life opportunity because the provisions before the birthday are gone.

  68. I think birthdays mean our age is decreasing. With age, I learned to mature and get closer to Allah SWT

    By :Yuniarti 2S2

  69. SITI Aliah-3S4.
    I think birthday is a special day and when I think about what to do next to improve myself for better and thank god for giving me age and happiness.

  70. by:Lazania Putri Arulli-3S4
    The meaning of a birthday in my opinion is an important thing to just remind me to be more grateful for all that has been given. I did not make it a must to celebrate. I am already grateful that God has given me life.

  71. By : Fachri Kusyairi - 3A4
    I read this story to the end,i don't know why i can't stop reading this,and i think i like this story😁,maybe many people think birthday is special,but sometimes i forget even my own birthday 😂,im so scary to death,so maybe my brain is always trying to forget my own birthday😂,but the most thing is we must always remember Allah who gave us a beutiful life,and we must be grateful in any condition,because somebody have more painfully memory in their life.bye
    the way i always hoping to be a nice guys who always helping people,ummm maybe its all from me,im sorry if my words not mean for you or anything else,bye..

  72. By : Fikri Mahdillah-3A2
    I think a birthday is the day of one's birth or could be called the day that life began outside the womb. It is usually celebrated by having a birthday party with family or friends. And i think birthdays remember our days, as get older the closer we get to death. Therefore, at our birthdays, we should be more grateful to god and be a better human being in the future.

  73. Aura Almaulidya 3A3
    many have experienced like the story above, hoping that the closest person will remember their birthday but in fact they forget it. I think the meaning of a birthday to me is a moment where we should be closer to God because the older we get, the less chance we have of living in the world.

  74. By: Oktavia Damanik-3A5
    Your blog is interesting and in there have a lot great message i think. Honestly when I read your blog immediately realized the meaning of birthday is not just about celebrate but about how we could grateful and make it as a lesson to always take advantage of the time. So birthday it's important but we don't need to make it so special. The most important we must always pray for this life and Use time as a possible we can.

  75. By: Vini 2S3

    I think birthdays are the most precious moments because we can still gather with family, friends, teachers and others. In the moment of birthdays, we must still be grateful to Allah because we are still given the opportunity to live in this world with a healthy or sick condition and a sufficient age. The lesson we have to take is to become a better person than the previous year.

  76. By: Naia Salsabila 12A1
    Most people misunderstand what a birthday is, but in my opinion a birthday is where our age decreases, and our age should decrease, we should be closer to Allah, we should be grateful because Allah still gives us ages until now. Birthday is not a day to be celebrated with a party, but we should be grateful and reflect on that everything that happened was by Allah's permission.

  77. By: Hafizh Haqi Kardian - 3A3

    In my opinion, birthdays are rare days where we only experience it once a year.

    So, for me, birthday is the perfect day to reflect and grateful because Allah has given more age for me.

  78. By: Wianda Triadiva-3A4
    in my opinion birthday is a very happy day because I can be grateful for the age that God has given me with my birthday praying for my goodness from the previous year at the same time I can feel my age is getting older.

  79. By : Muhamad Arya Saputra-3A5
    I think a birthday is not just a party, fun and so on. It's okay to have a party, but apart from that, birthdays also have a meaning other than parties and gifts. increasing age must be balanced with a change in attitude to become more mature. we were not forever childish when we weren't called kids anymore. so maturity is a choice, and learn to do it. now starting to care. If in the past we were ignorant of the future, now is the time to think about what our goals are. Don't miss a lot of things because you are too ignorant of your surroundings. Birthdays can also be used as a means of self-reflection. With increasing age it can make it a reflection process so that it can get even better. Birthdays are also the right moment to say thanksgiving. grateful to still be able to enjoy growing age with all the gifts given. and don't let any feelings of regret in the future because you have wasted time. remember, time cannot be played back

  80. By: M.Jujun Junaedi 3A2
    I think birthdays are days where people grow old so they get older until they reach adulthood or can be likened to getting old, and this makes a sense of joy and sadness that is different and so touching.

  81. By: Rahma Maulidinda Akhmad Syam
    Class: 2S3
    for me a birthday is the same day as any other day, but what is a little different is where on that date is the date that marks when I was born in the world by the permission of Allah SWT. I'm not the type to ask people to congratulate me, even my parents never congratulated me on any of my birthdays. but I always congratulate myself, such as "Happy birthday to myself, I hope the reduction in age does not reduce my gratitude"

  82. By: Siti Dwi Putri Yuningrat-3A3
    I think birthday is a very special day for me, Because on that day I am grateful to be born into this world in a good condition. Sometimes I also wish someone to be the first person to wish me a happy birthday. This is a simple thing but very memorable for me. but after I read mrs blog, I realized that birthdays are actually the days where we should reflect and be grateful for what we get so far. even in Islam there are no birthday celebrations. We should get closer to Allah SWT.

  83. By: Tripuspaaprilia-3S2
    In my opinion, what is meant by a birthday is when I am able to change myself to be more responsible and change the mindset that I do. The meaning of birthday to me does not always mean a celebration, because for me the meaning of birthday is when I can be someone who is more responsible for myself, and the meaning of birthday can also be a memen for us to always be grateful for. what is given. God until we are given life to this day.
    Happy birthday miss. I wish health always to you on your birthday. sorry late saying.

  84. Rheza Dwi Pratama - 3A1

    Well, I think your writing is very interesting and inspiring. Because, maybe people forget our birthdays, but the most important thing is that we are always grateful to Allah. And then, the meaning of birthday for myself is a very special day. Where that day, many people gave prayers and congratulations to me. Very simple, but it is very valuable to me. Hopefully, as I get older, make me a more mature person, and always be grateful to Allah swt, Aamiin.

  85. By: Naia Salsabila 3A1
    Most people misunderstand what a birthday is, but in my opinion a birthday is where our age decreases, and our age should decrease, we should be closer to Allah, we should be grateful because Allah still gives us ages until now. Birthday is not a day to be celebrated with a party, but we should be grateful and reflect on that everything that happened was by Allah's permission.

  86. By:Marisya Apriliani-3S3
    In my opinion, birthday is the most awaited day in every year, for some reason on my birthday I always feel happy because I get a lot of greetings from friends and family. we are given an older age than before and are always grateful because Allah still gives us the joy of life and prolongs life. besides that, I am also happy because maybe some friends give a little surprise that makes me feel like I don't want to forget that day.

  87. By: Tripuspaaprilia-3S2
    In my opinion, what is meant by a birthday is when I am able to change myself to be more responsible and change the mindset that I do. The meaning of birthday to me does not always mean a celebration, because for me the meaning of birthday is when I can be someone who is more responsible for myself, and the meaning of birthday can also be a memen for us to always be grateful for. what is given. God until we are given life to this day.
    Happy birthday miss. I wish health always to you on your birthday. sorry late saying.

  88. By:Anita Rahmawati -3S3
    I think that birthday is a very pleasant day because with age we can grow to be more mature and older, when my birthday feels special by the people around me such as friends and family, happy when we are prayed for best of all, getting a surprise that although simple but makes me happy, birthdays are the days that everyone has been waiting for

  89. Rafly awaly firmansyah 3A4
    My opinion about birthday is the day about we have to thank god we have long age cause we dont know next year we can birthday or not

  90. By:Valen rifat perdana 3S3

    I think that birthday is a special day for me because we are getting older and there are lots of prayers from friends and we have to change to be more mature.

  91. by : m fikri
    I think a birthday is a time when I get older, but not only age is also increasing responsibility, responsibility for age, what I do, and I aspire to the future.

  92. Siti Nur Ai Fatma - 3A2
    In my opinion, brithday is a special day for me. Because in that day Allah shows that i am still have a chance for repair my life and because when my brithday come i will more aware that i am adult now, so i must chance my mind to be a more kind person.
    By the way, i think your story is very inspire me to what i am must do when my brithday come and aware me that brithday is not just about a gift, a cake, a party but also about self introspection and be grateful. Thanks for your story.
    And last happy born day my beloved teacher, i am sorry i don't know that last day is your brithday

  93. By : Zikri Aulia 3S1
    Happy birthday teacher's, birthday maybe for someone's birthday is a special day ,but behind that all of our ages are decreasing, therefore we need to be grateful for the situation we are now living praying to Allah that the next birthday we can still do activities that can live until now.

  94. By:Anis Melani-3S2
    I think that birthdays increase our age while on the other hand birthdays are also the same as our decreasing age to the death that has been determined by the Almighty, do you want to celebrate the decrease in age?
    Of course you would not want all of you to celebrate your age loss in that way, maybe you will celebrate it in a religious way such as celebrating in an orphanage and in a religious place according to your respective religion.

  95. By : salamah 3S2
    I think that birthday is a prayer awaited. And where people I love can gather to build turahmi letters from fellow brothers and sisters.

  96. By : Reihan Syahba G. 3A1
    Hmm, a very good and very interesting story, open my heart and mind, that a birthday is not what we think so far, we follow the habits of people around us so we forget that the true meaning of a birthday is not what we think. even though I know what a good birthday means, but somehow I always expect other people to surprise and congratulate you, even though the meaning of a birthday in my opinion is increasing age in the world but decreasing age in the hereafter. therefore to put it sufficiently based on gratitude and increase our worship of Allah swt

  97. By:siti nurshaqilla 3S3
    Birthday is someone's birthday, commemorating someone's birthday is usually celebrated by having a birthday party with family or friends. On someone's birthday, it is customary to treat someone special on their birthday like giving a gift

  98. By Rena Juliana-3S2
    I think a birthday is a special day eagerly awaited, where we are born on that date and age or decrease. I am always grateful as I get older with the hope that I would like to see you again in the next year. Prayers that I give priority to the future.

  99. By: tessya kumala 3s3
    I think birthday is the day someone gets older every year. Birthday is highly anticipated by everyone, because birthday is a special day for everyone.

  100. By: Rulistya Maharani-3A1
    Well, the meaning of birthday for me is the repetition of the time when we were born into the world, my opportunity to correct mistakes that were made to be used as lessons and life experiences. Besides that, it is also a day when I have to give thanks to Allah SWT for giving me health and living among good and loving people. By the way, in my opinion, about birthdays, you have to get a greeting or get a gift from a certain person and we get it, it's just a bonus or a sweetener. Because in fact there is no birthday in Islam, a birthday is a day of thanks to Allah SWT.

  101. name: siti nur amaliana
    class: 3S3

    In my opinion, a birthday is the most special and touching day, when our age increases and decreases at the same time. do not feel the age is getting older and the day of the most good prayers from the closest people we care about

  102. By: devita salfa 3A3
    In my opinion, the meaning of birthday is the same as what Mrs. Lesi wrote above. I think birthday is a stage when someone becomes an adult from before, because every year we live there are always problems that make us more mature. I think birthday are important, when we celebrate our age and give thanks for the life and health that God has given us to this day. However, birthdays do not always have to be celebrated by blowing candles, cutting cakes or giving gifts, because the most important thing is the prayers of the people around us so that our lives will be better for the next years.

  103. Zakia N-3A5
    I think birthday is a day to be lazy because usually I can make my birthday for an excuse😅. But sometimes in my opinion, birthdays are something that is not special because when I get older, I haven't been able to give anything or benefit for my parents and other people.

  104. I think birthday is a special day. Because birthdays are days when we grow up to be more mature, it makes me even more grateful to God because I can still live on this earth until now and have gone through various experiences.

  105. By Arinda 3A5
    In my opinion about your blog is, disappointed when someone forget about our birthday it's reasonable, especially when
    the closest person we forget, but it shouldn't be excessive. Disappointed come because our expectations that are too high about something. So if you don't want to be disappointed, don't expect too much about something. No need to expect surprise, gift, and others, enough grateful to Allah SWT. who has provided an opportunity to live in this world.
    Birthday, also called the day where the age is increasing but reduced time in the world. aware of our increasingly narrower time in this world, the fix the wrong and spread the goodness. And don't forget to be grateful to Allah SWT. Which still provides an opportunity for us to live in this world.

  106. Muhamad ikbal fadilah 3S4
    in my opinion a birthday is a day of diminishing age when other people's birthdays do not have to also celebrate when birthdays should pray to Allah SWT so that health is given and it is easy in all its affairs

  107. I think a birthday is very special for me, we become more mature, our age is increasing and the birthday is very much awaited for me, everyone can celebrate it like blowing candles and there are also those who just pray to Allah

  108. By: Rulistya Maharani-3A1
    Well, the meaning of birthday for me is the repetition of the time when we were born into the world, my opportunity to correct mistakes that were made to be used as lessons and life experiences. Besides that, it is also a day when I have to give thanks to Allah SWT for giving me health and living among good and loving people. By the way, in my opinion, about birthdays, you have to get a greeting or get a gift from a certain person and we get it, it's just a bonus or a sweetener. Because in fact there is no birthday in Islam, a birthday is a day of thanks to Allah SWT.

  109. By: Tessya kumala 3s3
    I think birthday is the day someone gets older every year. Birthday is highly anticipated by everyone, because birthday is a special day for everyone.

  110. By:Rina Apriyanti S3S
    I think a birthday is a new beginning for my future life I hope all the mistakes I made in the previous year will not be repeated at my current age

    Happy birthday my teacher, after reading this article I understand birthday is a day where we should be grateful for being given such a long life and a prosperous life. but we shouldn't be too happy to respond to our birthdays, but we should also be sad as we age, our age will decrease to live in this universe. So in essence when we are having a birthday we may say gratitude for being given a long life but also we must feel sad because as we age we will decrease our age to be in this beautiful world :)

  112. Syafana fairuzahira

    I think a birthday is very special for me, we become more mature, our age is increasing and the birthday is very much awaited for me, everyone can celebrate it like blowing candles and there are also those who just pray to Allah

  113. By:GILANG RIZKY 2S3
    In my opinion,birthdays are special days for me. Because in addition to increasing age,we also have fun,we pray to be better.

  114. By: Yuliana Ambarwati 3A2
    According to the I tell you interesting, forget it would be the day of birth it. Because I often like it:)
    The meaning of birthday I think is reduced old man,with that we more harness and always juxtapose themselves to the creator for doing good and always grateful. The day of birth is the most special.

  115. I think birthdays are the most fun and enjoyable days not only when given a gift, surprise, or anything but fun when on a birhtday i can still feel it can still be happy, and get prayers, greetings from people i know and i love, and very grateful to Allah SWT..😊😊

  116. By:naylameydiana-3S1
    Happy birthday teacher!
    I think a birthday is a special day for someone, and a birthday where our age is decreasing, but we must be more grateful for the blessings Allah SWT has given us

  117. Siti Eneng Nurlatifah -3A3
    In my opinion, the story about your birthday is very inspiring, because from there I learned that getting older is not just waiting for an uncertain gift, but a birthday is an maturity that we must pick up. But I'm a little different from you, because every year I wish that I forgot my birthday. because I don't want to expect more of everyone around me. So that I don't get hurt when other people don't remember my birthday and I can be more grateful to Allah

  118. Theresya Oktaviani-2S3
    In my opinion, a birthday is a day where we are grateful because we have added age and are still given life on earth until now and also birthdays remind me that my age has increased and I have gone through many experiences so far.

  119. Be grateful for the long life ,do you best for the future

  120. M Dimas Fathan-3A5
    In my opinion, a birthday is a day when the age decreases, what we have to do at an increasing age but on the other hand decreases is to remain grateful because we are still given age, given the opportunity to repent, seek as much charity as possible, because long life is useless if charity is a little

  121. Be grateful for the long life ,berthaday do you best for the future

  122. By:Silvia Rizky Caesaria 3A5
    I think birthday is to evaluate what we have done to this day for the better, more gratefulness and one way to remember the joys of life, and moments to pray for each other.

  123. By: Nova adisha-3A5
    Previously, the first time that occurred to me when I thought of the word "birthday" were parties, cakes, candles, gifts, and beautiful greetings. I was like you too. Always want to be surprised. But after I read your story, I think your story is quite inspiring and made me realize how to be grateful for everything Allah has given me. Because it is not by saying "Happy birthday" and "long life" that we can be more mature and live a long life. But with a sincere prayer, Inshaallah our age will be a blessing. Hopefully we are always aware to always be grateful and be better.

  124. By : Mega Lestari 3A3
    Well, I think birthday is a special day that most people, including myself, have been waiting for. Usually on that day I get a lot of congratulations and prayers. This article makes me have another view of birthdays and tells me that birthdays should be grateful and reflect on what has happened in life. Thank you miss for telling me

  125. By:Siti Nur Awalia 3A5
    In my opinion, a birthday is a moment where we should be grateful to the creator because we are still given the opportunity to enjoy increasing age which makes us think more mature and evaluate ourselves to be better and useful for many people, especially parents.

  126. By: puspita-3A1
    For me a birthday ia not special, but it might give me a little happiness as i get older

  127. By : Hilda Nurfadhila - 3A3
    My opinion, birthday is the day in’re grateful and special needs. Especially for yourself. when i birthday, I felt there was the urge to myself to more wise, grateful, and think more mature and critical.I don’t want to demand someone to say happy birthday etc. or give a prize to me, but I expect the family and friends give prayer best.And don't forget when day it comes I’m thankful to god can still inhale the air in the world until at that time. About awarded the prize by someone it is a bonus.

  128. By: Alifa Nurul Aulia-3S4
    I think the meaning of birthday is the day when my age decreases and I have to change into a better person, so I have to be able to maximize everything I do by seeing my age decrease and I think the real birthday celebration is we should. always give thanks and pray for being given the opportunity to live in order to be a useful person.

  129. By : Elsya Triana - 3A1
    In my opinion, birthday is the day someone is born. at this birthday event is usually celebrated by having a party with family or friends. However, in my opinion, the birthday is not a long life, but a little bit of age, it means that the age is a little more towards death.

  130. By: fadly pratama putra-12s3
    I think a birthday is a very memorable day where everyone is grateful for the grace of God Almighty for giving us ages and hopes to be even better.

  131. By: meisya melina 3S1
    I think birthday is the day when I reach adulthood and the most beautiful moment when many people I love gather together with my closest friends at my birthday

  132. By:Sephia Octapiani-2S4
    I think birthdays are the most fun and enjoyable days not only when given a gift, surprise, or anything but fun when on a birhtday i can still feel it can still be happy, and get prayers, greetings from people i know and i love, and very grateful to Allah SWT.. 😊😊

  133. By:Putri aura-3S1
    for me a birthday is where I have to be more mature and better and a moment to gather with my family and closest friends

  134. By:Firli nurpadilah-3A4
    In my opinion, birthdays are something to be grateful for because they are a blessing and we have to change ourselves to be better than before. and we should thank Allah for all the blessings that have passed.

  135. By : Destiawati Syaharani R, 3A4
    Your story is very touching. I think that birthday is the most important day of my life. I also often hope that on my birthday a special person will say it right at 00, but whatever power is not as expected. Btw, happy birthday to you mrs sorry to say it late, hopefully at the age of 37 you will always be blessed with aamiin.

  136. By: NELI SONIA 3S3
    In my opinion, birthdays are very special days, where the days of our age increase and decrease at the same time. We do not feel that our age is getting older on a day of prayer which is very valuable for the closest people we care about and love.

  137. By: Nabilah-3S1
    thank you the story is very useful and helps me to be grateful for my own birthday.
    The meaning of a birthday for me is where the day I have been waiting for and every time I have a birthday my family will not forget to give me a surprise, and my friends also give me a cake, that's my special day where my family friends mendokan me, that's where I'm grateful to the creator

  138. By: Nabilah-3S1
    thank you the story is very useful and helps me to be grateful for my own birthday.
    The meaning of a birthday for me is where the day I have been waiting for and every time I have a birthday my family will not forget to give me a surprise, and my friends also give me a cake, that's my special day where my family friends mendokan me, that's where I'm grateful to the creator

  139. By:Aprilda tri artika-3S4
    Birthday in my opinion is one of the birthmarks of a person and the meaning of a birthday is getting older and more mature.

  140. By: Nabilah-3S1
    thank you the story is very useful and helps me to be grateful for my own birthday.
    The meaning of a birthday for me is where the day I have been waiting for and every time I have a birthday my family will not forget to give me a surprise, and my friends also give me a cake, that's my special day where my family friends mendokan me, that's where I'm grateful to the creator

  141. Vina Rahmawati - 2S4
    I personally believe a birthday is a meaningful day, that's a beautiful day for more grateful, the most important thing is to love for what's given, praying for good live in a new day, there's a joy and sorrow but our lives are going on.

  142. By:Fahira Nurfayza 3A3
    My opinion, the meaning of birthday is the increasing age that must be considered so that it will be better in the future because on that day many good prayers were said. from this blog I come to know the meaning of birthdays from various opinions and from an Islamic perspective.

  143. By : Erizka Ramadhanti - 3A1
    In my opinion, birthdays often mean getting older, maybe that's not wrong. but its true meaning is to reduce the remaining time on earth. Having fun celebrating birthdays with the closest people is not the most important, but the most important thing is how we thank Allah SWT, because we are still given time to be closer to him. So, birthdays need not be an excuse for us to have fun spending time. thankful enough, and continue to pray to Allah SWT. And we also don't need to demand people to pray for us on birthdays, because people who are truly sincere will always pray for the best wherever and whenever.

  144. By: Haerani Hermani 3S4
    In my opinion, a birthday is a moment of gratitude because it is still given the opportunity to improve in the future and be more responsible, and increasing age must be accompanied by changes in character and attitude for the better.

  145. before expressing my opinion about the meaning of birthday, I want to tell a little about my birthday so far hehe
    I was born on October 30, 2002. On the day of my birth that will come, then my age will turn 18 years.
    during my birthday, i never celebrated or celebrated it. because my father said that there is no birthday in Islam, it is just a Jew's doing. Rasulullah also explained in general so that we do not imitate unbelievers and there is also a hadith which says "whoever resembles a people, then he is a part of them (HR. Ahmad and Abu Daud)".
    From the story above, I think birthday celebrations are not important and are not recommended in Islam. For me, the most important thing is prayer and how we can change our bad life patterns to be good.

  146. by Ratu Bilqis Fadliyati 3S3
    before expressing my opinion about the meaning of birthday, I want to tell a little about my birthday so far hehe
    I was born on October 30, 2002. On the day of my birth that will come, then my age will turn 18 years.
    during my birthday, i never celebrated or celebrated it. because my father said that there is no birthday in Islam, it is just a Jew's doing. Rasulullah also explained in general so that we do not imitate unbelievers and there is also a hadith which says "whoever resembles a people, then he is a part of them (HR. Ahmad and Abu Daud)".
    From the story above, I think birthday celebrations are not important and are not recommended in Islam. For me, the most important thing is prayer and how we can change our bad life patterns to be good.

  147. Sitty nurlaela 3A3
    Birthday is the day a person is born, marking the day when life outside the womb begins. In some cultures, commemorating someone's birthday is usually celebrated by having a birthday party with family and / or friends. Gifts are often given to people who celebrate birthdays.

  148. by: Dara Puspitasari, 3S4
    I think a birthday is a day when we remember the date we were born and a very sacred moment because it can only be celebrated once a year, and I always want on my birthday a lot of greetings and surprises from friends and family.

  149. by: Nabila Aulia Maharani-3A3

    In my opinion, the meaning of a birthday is of course special. However, this special word is not limited to me celebrating and also feeling very happy. The special meaning here is that I have a full day that I rarely do to remember what lessons I have learned, what obstacles I have faced, how many mistakes have I made, how strong have I been and have I been grateful? In essence, I think the meaning of this birthday is a reminder. Maybe as a child I didn't think about things like that but as I got older these thoughts were present and the positive side I took from the meaning of birthdays was also about life that would go on and how I would grow in the future.

    And in my opinion, the writing on the blog is very touching. I say that because I have felt how I expected a special greeting from people or even waited for a surprise for me. However, after time has changed, for me it is not the most important as the story on that blog teaches and inspires that the true meaning of birthday is life, gratitude, and our relationship with the Allah.

  150. By:Resty Andriani -3A1
    In my opinion, a birthday is an ordinary moment, just like any other normal day, because I also feel what mrs feel, namely the people closest to me always forget my birthday, the difference is the increase and decrease of our age

  151. By: Novi khopipah - 3A2

    I think a birthday is a special day where it only comes once a year and that day is the day we always wait for to be a special day. I always hope on that birthday to be a queen in a day (that's just my wish), but after reading the story mrs made me realize that a birthday is a day to be grateful for and reflect on because as we age is the reduction in our life span in the world This is why we must be more grateful to God and become better human beings.

  152. By:Resty Andriani -3A1
    In my opinion, a birthday is an ordinary moment, just like any other normal day, because I also feel what mrs feel, namely the people closest to me always forget my birthday, the difference is the increase and decrease of our age

  153. By:Rachmawati 2S3
    The story is very interesting and the meaning of birthday in my opinion is sad, because from the song that contains the word longevity, in my opinion, it means shortening life or shorteng life. Because as I get older I remember that life in this world is only temporary.

  154. By : Usan - 3A1.
    I want to thank to Mama Mansa, especially you, Miss L! because your story on this blog is very much related to the habits of many people when they're birthday. Maybe, with your story, there will be many people who understand the meaning of birthday correctly and change their thoughts about birthday, even though people's thoughts must be different because it's their own right.
    But for me, birthday is a day when my age in this world is reduced and it's also a moment to be grateful because I can still feel the beauty and the happiness of this world until now. Birthday is something that I've to reflect myself on, so that I can be more mature and change my life for the better later. Sometimes, we always want people around us to know and even remember our birthday and want to be treated special because of this special day, but it turns out that not everyone who remembers and not everyone who acts well loves and cares for us, everyone has a reason and a different way of behaving towards others, including ourselves, and birthday isn't something to be celebrate because of their specialties. So now, I feel like birthday is nothing special, birthday is the day where I feel happy and sad at the same time.

  155. Siti Nurahmah Saputri 3A1. In my opinion, birthdays are for reminders of birthdays. Actually, in Islam there is no such thing as a birthday, which Mrs.lesi said was true. In fact, it makes humans age less and gets older.

  156. Natalia Cahyani Taulana-3A5
    It's a very inspiring story when I have a birthday and no one remembers it, no problem.But I have to be more grateful because Allah still gave me the age to worship Allah SWT.With my new old, I also have to be able to make good use of it for positive things, by sharing in any form and with anyone.when it's my birthday, i prefer it get together with my family, eat together and share with neighbors

  157. by:Rika Rahayu2s1

    In my opinion, birthdays are special days and they age and are still grateful because Allah is still giving us ages

  158. By: Avril Lina Nurkartini - 2S1
    I think this blog is very interesting. meaning birthday to me is the day we were born.

  159. By: SitiZalilah 3S3
    in my opinion that birthday only indicates getting older, not something special and very much awaited so it seems normal but I hope every my birthday I become a better person.

  160. Risva Tri Febriana - 3A5
    In my opinion, hearing the word birthday the thing that comes to my mind is a special day where we are getting older and of course there are lots of words and prayers from family and friends. Not only that, there must be everyone who wants to be celebrated, such as feast, receive cake / gifts. But, as it getting older it all doesn't matter anymore. The more I get older I just want to change myself for the better in the future, to be more diligent in worshiping, sholehah, and being a useful child so that my parents can be proud.

    In my opinion, birthdays are something that I fear. because when I wake up and my mom wishes me happy birthday, I start to grieve and cry. some thoughts started popping up like "will I still be alive on my birthday next year?" and now I begin to open my mind, that now and tomorrow be someone who is useful because later we do not know what will happen.

  162. Amanda putri Yasa-3A4
    I think birthday is the same as usual day. It's just that on birthdays it reminds us that our age has increased by 1 year, and requires us to thanks to Allah SWT.for giving us a long life until now.

  163. By : Puteri Salsabilla Aisha 3A3
    I think a birthday is something important to someone's life, even though not everyone considers it important. Maybe not because of a party made to celebrate it but with a sense of happiness when other people give the best prayers for our lives. And by remembering birthdays we can remind and be grateful for what Allah SWT has given to us as long as we live.

    Meaning Birthday to me is the most awaited day where I am very happy with friends, relatives, family and others. A very satisfying day for me, a moment that is very grateful for me as I am getting older.

  165. By : Siska Herawati -3A4
    I think a birthday is a very special day, because on that day many people congratulate me and it makes me happy, meaning that people still remember me even though they haven't seen each other for a long time. But on that day I sometimes like to remember what my father said to me. Father once told me I should not be too happy on my birthday because by increasing your age you are the same as decreasing your age in this world, you should be grateful to Allah SWT because you have been given a long life, that is what father said I always remember .

    In my opinion,Birthday is someone's birthday, and their age increases. On someone's birthday, usually someone special on a birthday and thanks to ALLAH we are still given age

    In my opinion,Birthday is someone's birthday, and their age increases. On someone's birthday, usually someone special on a birthday and thanks to ALLAH we are still given age

  168. By: Siti Nurjannah -A35
    Birthday is a very touching day because we are getting old and I hope when my birthday comes I can buy something for my sister

  169. By:Riska rinjiani S-S4S
    In my opinion, a birthday is a moment where our age or age decreases, and when a birthday moment occurs there we must be grateful because Allah SWT has given us enough age to arrive at this time. Because the moment of birthday is a moment that we should be grateful for

  170. By:Riska rinjiani S-S4S
    In my opinion, a birthday is a moment where our age or age decreases, and when a birthday moment occurs there we must be grateful because Allah SWT has given us enough age to arrive at this time. Because the moment of birthday is a moment that we should be grateful for

  171. By: Rhevi Apriliani - 3S2

    In my opinion, birthdays are days that can be said to be sad or happy, sad because we get older means that we have less time to live in the world and think whether we will meet our birth date in the coming year or not. Happy because when there is a birthday all siblings gather to give thanks when they get older.

  172. By: Adrina - 3S3

    I think the meaning of birthday is a special and happy day, because birthdays get better, get older, and become more mature. By the way, if words or surprises are not a problem, the important thing is that we must be grateful for what Allah SWT has given and always pray for the best in the future.

  173. By: Gema Yasin Barokah-2S3
    In my opinion about birthday, I always be grateful to Allah, because Allah still give me a chance for life. Of course when one of in my family on a birthday, we always give him/her a birthday celebrate and praying for him/her.
    And my opinion about this article is, maybe that are some mistaken word/sentence.

    Every birthday, I always ask myself "why was I born?", Then I look at my family and friends, and ask again "are they the reason I was born? Then I just become a supporting character in their life story? why ?, if I were not born, what would it be like? ". It turned out that these questions were just the result of the thoughts of someone who was very lonely. Yes, I'm lonely. 17 years old, maybe someone else will celebrate the moment. But I do not. I just want answers to my questions. Because I want to know the true meaning of life. Which proves that I am not an ordinary support figure for other people, I am the main character in my own life. The older you get, the less your friends. And I'm grateful for that, because I know who are real friends and which are not. I don't need words, sayings can only be done through story WA then I screenshot then I post back. What kind of custom is this? it's all I can do on my birthday. I am very grateful to those who have taken the time to make the story WA. Even though I really don't need it, I just want to be alone and reflect. Those words only make me worse when I have to act my age when I'm not ready. 17 years, when someone is required to look perfect both in thought and appearance.

  175. Muhamad Irfan Kurniawani 3S1. In my opinion, the meaning of a birthday is where the human age is decreasing and the age is getting older too.

  176. By Nova Ratu Hartati-3A4
    The meaning of a birthday to me is a moment of joy because on that day people who set aside time to congratulate, pray and even give gifts too, especially close friends who are always there on our happy days. So I think birthday is the happiest day ever passed in a year in my life.


  177. Riska permata putri - 11S3
    I think birthdays are the most special and memorable days because when that day comes our age is getting bigger and the attitude of maturity is getting bigger and we should be grateful to Allah who gave us a long life because on that day we can still be given the opportunity to stay on this earth, and on that day we don't need to have a party or blow a candle, the important thing is we always pray for our good in the future, so my advice

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  179. By: Rindiana febriani - 3A2
    I think birthday is a special day and happiness day because we can have a give from someone and we can celebrated it with family. And the meaning of birthday for me is birthday is a day i getting older and i have to become someone who is more mature than before.

  180. By : Djulkifli husaeni - 3A2
    It very good and very interesting story, make open my heart and mind. In my opinion birthday is just like a usual day. The special is that day i can reflect to myself, compare this year with last year whether more better or getting worse. Maybe the birthday is ways of Allah SWT testing her servant whether more gratefull or deny mercy of Allah SWT

  181. InaSeptina 3A3
    I think the big day in the Islamic that there is only 2 namely Eid Fitri and Eid al-Adha, so it is a birthday celebration of western cultures in follow by the people of Muslims, birthday according to the I don’t need in rayakan, but may be okay, as long as do not overdo it and waste money
    I think this blog is very interesting, because I always expect people say happy birthday to at me, in addition to the parents that people who are close to me. So I really like your work. Happy birthday to you, I hope you can be achieved, all hope

  182. By.Saqina 3A3
    hello happy birthday mrs, in my opinion the meaning of a birthday for me is a birthday is a very special day, where my first day in this world, birthdays are usually always celebrated by family and friends, gather together, so that makes a birthday very memorable , so much fun, birthday is a day when someone becomes a more mature and better person

  183. By : Cindy Wakacy 3A3
    I think that birthday is a day where we are given trust and opportunity by God to improve ourselves to be even better. God has given what I want and need all this time, sometimes I am not grateful and ask for more than God has given. Whatever trials and obstacles I have to go through with patience and sincerity, because God believes that I can go through them all. So god give me confidence to live longer so that I can understand and enjoy the life that God has given.

  184. InaSeptina 3A3
    I think the big day in the Islamic that there is only 2 namely Eid Fitri and Eid al-Adha, so it is a birthday celebration of western cultures in follow by the people of Muslims, birthday according to the I don’t need to be celebrated, but may be okay, as long as do not overdo it and waste money
    I think this blog is very interesting, because I always expect people say happy birthday to at me, in addition to the parents that people who are close to me. So I really like your work. Happy birthday to you, I hope you can be achieved, all hope

  185. By: Resti Priliandari S 2S1
    In my opinion,birthday are special moments and also where we introspect ourselves more so that we are better than before

  186. M.SAB'A HAZAIRI - 3A1

    My opinion about birthdays is a common thing among people today to celebrate it, but most of them do not know that it is true that in Islam there are NO BIRTHDAYS, indeed from its history this is a custom outside of Islam, of course Islam is a religion which strictly prohibits Muslims from following styles, culture, habits carried out outside their religion. I don't mean to discourse here, it's just that many of us don't realize that actually trivial things like this are what they often forget or even pretend not to know, my family and I never celebrate birthdays, I don't even know when The birthday of my brother or even my parents because it is prohibited in Islam, but indeed sometimes I celebrate it forcefully like being invited by a friend, buying or buying this gift because I respect them, I can't possibly stay away from them even after that I have to repent, maybe people think I am arrogant or soksuci but this is the truth.

  187. By: Muhammad Tirta Nudira - 3A5

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

    I think that birthday is a moment where we age less and more mature. In Islam, there is no such thing as a birthday celebration. It is a thanksgiving to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala who still gives us the opportunity to be able to improve ourselves to be even better. We also have to thank our parents and people who love us who have raised and accompanied us to this day. This birthday for me is a reminder that we must be even more enthusiastic to draw closer to Allah and always remember death.

  188. By: Sasi Kirana F 3S4
    in my oinion, birthday is the most special thing because birthday is the day we were born into this world.

  189. By: Siti Riyani Damayanti 3A1
    In my opinion birthday is A special day because at that time we think that many things have passed until we forget to thank our god, complain too much and blame ourselves, and from there We learn from experience not to do stupid things anymore. And we can learn a lesson that day, for us to be BETTER people, not for others but for ourselves Indeed, being grateful must be every day, but on that day we are even more grateful for the blessings Allah has given us

  190. By : Muhamad Rizky Maulana 11S3^^

    In my opinion, birthdays are very meaningful, in addition to the increasingly mature age that day, I am also grateful to be born in the world safely. actually a birthday is not a celebration of aging. but birthday is a day where we should be grateful to be given health all this time ^^.


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